Leadership Team
George Brunemann |
George is a retired engineer with a 40 year record of innovation in electronic controls and artificial intelligence. He began getting involved in community advocacy back in 2009 and has led several efforts in Southwest Ohio. He is a frequent guest of Brian Thomas on the 55KRC morning show and has appeared on local news and national news to discuss both technical and community issues. RestoreWellness.org is the result of a deep dive in pursuit of personal health and better understanding of the chronic illness epidemic. The textbooks which formed the background of this research can be found here. The goal of RestoreWellness is to share this information across the local and virtual community to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to live a full, healthy and vital life. |
Practicing medicine is a calling to heal and in 1993, Keith started a journey into medicine. He studied both conventional and alternative therapies with a focus on being sensitive to all aspects of the patient's experience. His approach includes getting back to natural modalities in order to be more cost-effective and more conducive in achieving wellness. RestoreWellness.org is the opportunity for us to regain the ownership of our wellness journey and make necessary changes to become the best we can be. |
Keith Tenhundfeld |
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